Asphalt concrete is a versatile material; when placed, maintained properly, cracking and distress are minimized and it can last for many years. Filling in minor cracks with a binder and placing a sealant over the asphalt can protect it from the elements as well as further deterioration. The following methods can be tailored to meet the needs for each specific application and are consistently used by Southland to ensure the asphalt will stand the test of time:

  • Crack Filling
  • Slurry Seal
  • Fog Seal
  • Sand & Seal
  • Skin Patching
  • Asphalt Dig Outs & Patching
  • Asphalt Overlays

Our team of estimators and field crews have the knowledge to determine the best application for your particular project. This helps us to help you maximize the life of your asphalt concrete.

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